To Know Christ & to Make Him Known

Welcome to
The First Presbyterian Church, Waycross
We are a community of followers of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus is Lord. We trust Him as our Savior. His Word is our guide. It is our desire to grow in our knowledge of Jesus and His will for our lives and to share His love in our community and beyond. We’re not perfect, but, by God’s grace, we are a “work in progress.” We believe that the kindness of Jesus is greater than our imperfections and failures.
Our Core Values
We believe in one God, who is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This Triune God is our Creator, Sovereign, and Savior. God perfect in power, wisdom, goodness, and love.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, who proclaimed God’s Kingdom, who lived a life of complete faithfulness to the Father, who died on the cross for our sins, who rose again on the third day, and who ascended into heaven, where He reigns as Lord and where He intercedes for His people.
We believe that all of us are sinners who are in need of God’s forgiveness.
We believe that we are saved from judgment, sin, and death by grace alone through faith alone. We don’t earn salvation. God gives us new life in Jesus, forgives our sins, adopts us as His children forever because of His mercy and kindness. Salvation is a wondrous gift.
We believe that the Holy Spirit seals the promises of the Gospel to every believer and that He guides, comforts, equips, and strengthens followers of Jesus to live for God’s glory.
We believe that Jesus will visibly return one day and that all who have trusted in Him will be resurrected just as He was and will live with Him forever in a new creation freed from the effects of sin.
We believe that the church is the Body of Christ, made up of all kinds of people who have been rescued and forgiven by the kindness of Jesus and joined together by the Holy Spirit to love and serve the Lord as a community of disciples.
We believe that we are called to walk in love, to pursue holiness, to practice justice, to share the goodness of God that we have experienced, and to make disciples of all nations.
We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the inspired, authoritative, trustworthy, and infallible Word of God. The Scriptures contain all things necessary for our salvation and are to be loved, trusted, and obeyed.
We believe that the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are visible signs and seals of gracious promises of Jesus Christ.
As Presbyterians, we embrace the leadership of multiple elders in the local congregation. We also are joined with other churches in relationships of mutual service, accountability, and interdependence. We believe in the priesthood of believers, seeing every follower of Jesus as being on mission for God’s Kingdom.